I considered different blog hosting sites to do it on such as wordpress and tumblr however having learnt blogging on blogspot and it was one of the most simple i decided to use that site. I then had to decided how to set out my blog page. I chose to have a main image and links underneath this, these links are put into an untitled post as to set them out on the page neatly.
The heading image I used:

By having the image without a blogger border meant that the whole page flowed much better.
I then went online to look up html that would allow me to hide the blogger header and change the page icon from a blogger one to my own image.
And finally on all my blogs that were linked I placed a widget box into which I inserted html to create a link back to the initial homepage, which you can see on this blog in the top right corner just after my heading image.
A few years ago I learnt quite a lot of html through using myspace and I think it's important how you present your work so I used my html knowledge and just adapted it to blogger and created my own homepage.
I then went online to look up html that would allow me to hide the blogger header and change the page icon from a blogger one to my own image.
And finally on all my blogs that were linked I placed a widget box into which I inserted html to create a link back to the initial homepage, which you can see on this blog in the top right corner just after my heading image.
A few years ago I learnt quite a lot of html through using myspace and I think it's important how you present your work so I used my html knowledge and just adapted it to blogger and created my own homepage.