I think one of the best documentary film makers out there at the moment is Louis Theroux, he has changed the way I think about lots of things and has opened my eyes too. I feel his style of being quite charming and extremely impartial must be hard to maintain with the kinds of people he interviews and I respect him very much to do that. He has made a variation of different documentaries ranging from lighthearted and humorous (if a bit bit odd) with 'When Louis met Jimmy Saville' and 'Swingers' to much more serious with 'A place for pedophiles' and 'Johannesburg'.
These are clips from two of my favorite episodes, 'The most hated family in America' and 'South Africa':

Anthropology and psychology are two things I am very interested in and the idea that someone is educated enough to be a lawyer (Shirley Phelps) can have such bigotted views. This asked the question: If we all thought prejudice was a product of an ignorant society why are there people who are academically and socially educated with such extremist views?