They really allow me to understand why the send and receive brief is so important to who I am. After coming from advertising (a soulless form of creativity in my opinion) it's so refreshing to read what I have really been thinking for much of my adult life.
The concept that we, as visual communicators, could make a difference to the world is something that I have been waiting for someone to allow me to think. Caught up in a society that thrives on money I feel its time to sit back at take a look at what we have all become, a group of people that only care where the next burger king and topshop is going to be...and how we can cash in on it.
I want to make a difference that is real...fuck this industrialized, fast food world, take a look at what's right there infront of you, poverty, war, prejudice and people who don't give a shit.
No more am I this person who doesn't give a shit.
I give a shit and if I change the opinions of one person, that's one less casualty wounded by our civilization.