The filming for a cup of tea took a while to get going however once it started it was quick and seamless, there where very few problems, which was surprising as I storyboarded quite roughly and from past experience that tends to fault you when you're filming. However once it was uploaded to the computer I saw that the display on the camera itself cuts the edges off and i had managed to get some wired from my TV in on the corner, I felt it wasn't too much of a problem and left it to a learning curve.

The editing that involved cutting together clips was very simple and cutting different angled shots together went very well, then when it came to adding special effects I left Matt to teach me that, we put on lots of effects like smudges and dust, we also desatured it and changed the exposure and offset, I had no idea how similar Final Cut was to Photoshop. I found a really brilliant song which was really appropriate by Louis Armstrong from the 50's called Don't Jive Me which I used as the soundtrack. Then we left it to render...for FOUR hours!

Finally, we did the most effective thing to it which was when exporting it into a .mov file we changed the FPS (frames per second) from 25, which is reasonably standard for what I was filming for to 12 which was much more commonly used in the 50's and is why the films from then looked almost like they were skipping.